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How it all began...

A producer called me a few years ago. He'd heard that I could ride horses, if I'd like to travel across the western United States with three horses and a partner for a documentary series. I didn't hesitate for a second.

Our route took us from Arizona to Montana. Through the crystal desert of the White Sand Monument, former habitat of the Navajos, through the lush green, gently rolling landscape of Colorado, through the badlands of Nebraska, through the red rocks of Monument Valley to Wyoming and the snow-capped mountains of Montana. With my son, our three horses and a small team, we spent two months "on the road", between streets and motels and nights under the open sky, when we were surprised by sandstorms or bears. Long drives

through the night to find shelter for us and the horses, freeing the pack horse,  wedged between rocks in the raging river. Indian singing accompanied by drumming on a salad bowl and cowboy Jobiy's world's best steaks by the campfire, with the stars above us. Back in Europe, I sat on the stone wall of my terrace and looked up at the sky at the house facade. It fell through me: I want this indescribable freedom  no longer miss in my life! The connection to what I loved and what suited me was so strong that I didn't question anything during the tour. Unexpected powers had been released in me and should be expressed in the form of the studio        Find ESCAPADE.

Woher weiß ich, dass ich auf dem richtigen Weg bin?
Wenn es sich leicht anfühlt!

Marie Bäumer

The idea for
Atelier Escapade

...was born.  The pace of our time and the range of opportunities for personal development have increased rapidly. For the realization of our wishes and visions we need clarity and energy. Atelier ESCAPADE is all about the greatest possible simplification and focusing on the essentials. A method with strong tools that is understandable for everyone. Clear, powerful and lasting in their effect.


Space - connection - movement



The three cornerstones in the studio      ESCAPADE is space, connection and movement. Defining, occupying and holding personal space.
Establishing the connection to me and my environment. Get moving and move in the sense of "let yourself be touched". Our body is our most powerful natural instrument. In our society, however, this gift is in danger of being forgotten. Once we look at the blockages

make them conscious in the body and learn to solve them,the first step towards personal freedom has already been taken. My method is based on uncovering the emotional and mental powers through the body. The goal is a basic state of "calm presence" to which we always find our way back. This leads to clarity, calm and inner strength. The best prerequisite for following your goals in life and implementing them.



The idea for
Atelier Escapade

...was born.  The pace of our time and the range of opportunities for personal development have increased rapidly. For the realization of our wishes and visions we need clarity and energy. Atelier ESCAPADE is all about the greatest possible simplification and focusing on the essentials. A method with strong tools that is understandable for everyone. Clear, powerful and lasting in their effect.


Marie Bäumer tanzt Atelier Escapade


Lassen Sie sich während der drei Tage unserer ESCAPADE Ateliers auf dem Schloss de Brantes in kleinen Gruppen von 6 bis zu maximal 8 Personen in einer der schönsten Regionen Europas in Gegenwart unserer Hengste auf ein Abenteuer ein. Sie werden überrascht sein, was in Ihnen steckt.

Das, was wir in der ESCAPADE anbieten, beschreiben wir als persönliche ESCAPADE. Das eigene Leben zu gestalten, erleben wir als kreativen Prozess. Es ist immer im Wachstum und immer wandelbar, offen für neue Visionen, die sich auf ihre Umsetzung freuen. In einem Atelier wird erfunden und kreiert.

The ESCAPADE, which is the main focus, means a "willful, idiosyncratic enterprise" and thus fits in perfectly with our "leap from the usual frame" to which we invite you. Set out for personal freedom with the lightness of a wink.  "I'll be gone then" and come back with me and my vision!  

Please note that this  Atelier ESCAPADE does not replace psychotherapy or the work of a psychologist.  At Atelier Escapade, we cannot assume any responsibility for people who require individual psychological support.

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